“Politicians in Pierre should work just as hard as the voters that elect them. Let's get back to work!”

Photo of BJ Motley
Photo of BJ Motely

BJ's Vision for
South Dakota

BJ Motley has made a career fighting for the South Dakotan worker. In Pierre, he’ll use that same commitment to the average citizen and work to build a better state for everyone.

Our Homes

As much as South Dakotans need a place to work, they need a place to live. As the state moves on from record-spending, leaders will need to get creative to make sure living in South Dakota remains an opportunity for all.

We can do this together by:

  • Prioritizing homeowners
  • Fighting for lower property taxes and fair appraisal policies
  • Easing regulations on municipalities limiting urban development
Photo of two girls playing with stuffed dinosaurs

Our Jobs

South Dakota’s economy continues to outshine similar states around the country. As our economy grows, we must put in the work to upgrade the workforce and the employment opportunities available to it.

I will work to:

  • Improve access to childcare for employees
  • Promote developing industries through regulatory reform and funding
  • Protect workers’ rights in and out of the workplace
Photo of main street in Deadwood, South Dakota

Our Families

South Dakota families need a champion in Pierre so they can focus on their lives. Here in Sioux Falls, families are being pulled apart as suicide rates rise, healthcare costs spiral, and our young professionals move away.

I will work for families to ensure:

  • Improved access to mental health services and rehabilitation
  • Affordable, accessible care opportunities when patients need them
  • Competitive tuition rates for South Dakota’s students
Photo of a man watering his garden outside his house
Photo of BJ Motley

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